Subscriptions are one of the types of content that cannot be shared through Family Sharing. For more details, visit the Apple Support page.

To share your subscription on other devices, those devices need to be logged in with the Apple ID that made the original purchase before installing the app.

Follow these steps for the extra devices you want to share the Budge Bedtime subscription:

  1. Make sure Budge Bedtime is not installed on the additional device. If it is, please uninstall it.
  2. Log out of the existing Apple ID on the device, by tapping on Settings > Apple ID: > Sign Out.
  3. Log into the Apple ID that purchased the Budge Bedtime subscription, by tapping on Settings > Apple ID > Sign In, then enter the Apple ID and password.
  4. Go to the App Store and download Budge Bedtime.
  5. Launch Budge Bedtime and tap the Settings button in the top right corner once it appears.
  6. Tap on the "Restore Purchases" button.
  7. Your subscription should be restored on this additional device.
  8. You can now change the Apple ID back to the original one signed into this additional device.